Lamentations of the Vampire Princess pt. 2 - The Newly Risen Vampire

part 1 here for how one turns into a vampire, feeding rules, & a list of traits common to all vampires
part 2 here for newly rise PC vampires , hunger and advancement
part 3 here for metamorphosis table
part 4 here for blood gifts

The Newly Risen Vampire

The new vampire’s player rolls 3d6 for their Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength scores. If the player rolls a higher score than the vampire currently has in Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength, they may replace the score, or otherwise keep the vampire’s current score. The vampire’s player should then consult the vampire leveling chart and see what bonuses they receive for experience level 1.

The vampire remains a member of its class and keeps its existing saves, spells per day, hit points, and whatever other bonuses its class gives it. If the vampire was a cleric in life, it loses access to its spells. The vampire’s alignment, if it was anything but Chaotic, shifts to Chaotic.

Lastly, the vampire gets a unique save vs. Hunger, which represents the amalgamation of their taste for blood, their vicious tempers, and their love of murder.

Restrictions on Becoming a Vampire

Demihumans, such as elves, dwarves, and halflings, cannot become vampires. Demihumans may still be fed on and may be turned into servants for the vampire.

If a cleric becomes a vampire, it loses access to its cleric spells and powers. The undead are harmed by holy power and cannot wield it, because God hates the undead.


Vampires do not require the consumption of blood to survive, but the miserable creatures shall seek it out nevertheless. It is in their nature to be endlessly insatiable and pointlessly destructive. Their existence is a spiteful curse on both the living and the dead, so when I speak of hunger, please note that I speak not of survival, but the embodiment of bitter hatred against all things.

Hunger Save

Vampires have a unique save vs. Hunger. The creature does not grow more resilient to their hunger with age nor experience; it is what it is. And, if it’s been a while since the vampire’s tasted blood or killed something, it gets worse.

A vampire’s save vs. Hunger is always 15. The roll to succeed is affected by a negative modifier of -2 for every day that it goes without draining a human being. (Elves, dwarves, et all count as human, in this case) Furthermore, when a vampire has any reason to be angry, the roll receives an additional -2 modifier.

The save is called whenever a vampire smells a significant amount of human blood (making combat with mortal opponents quite dicey), or whenever something enrages it. If the vampire succeeds at its save, it keeps its rational sensibilities, and may act under its own directive.
But, if it fails, well ....

All Hell Breaks Loose

When a vampire gives into its hunger, it unleashes the full potential of its primordial hatred to render the Anti upon the material world, which it consumes with demonic glee. Whatever boundaries and structures the vampire typically abides by fade away entirely, even if it only abides by these things for its survival. Because at this point it does not seek to survive, but to kill at any cost. There is no difference between friend and foe. No order to its hellish madness or vile execrations. No fear to stop it.

In other words, it reveals what it truly is--a beast of eternal consumption and endless rage.

The vampire that gives into its hunger froths pitch and crimson at the mouth, its eyes void and empty of anything even remotely human. It seethes vile execrations while killing and committing indiscriminate violence against all things, though it will tend towards murder, and, when the murder of another being is not possible, self-mutilation.

A vampire that fails its Hunger save will attack whatever or whoever is closest to them (Referee can pick or roll dice if it can’t quickly be decided who is closest to the vampire). If the vampire is unable to attack anything, it will attack itself. When attacking, it is not able to use blood gifts or perform any actions that requires intelligent thought, but can and will use fists, teeth, claws, other such natural weapons, and melee weapons. Likewise, a frenzied vampire does +1 damage and receives a +1 modifier to their attack bonus.

This fearsome state ends when either the vampire is knocked unconscious, slain outright, or, curiously enough, if it is given at least 666 poppy seeds to count. As the vampire obsessively counts up to 666 seeds, it gradually comes out of its hateful daze, until finally its human-resembling faculties are restored to it.


When a PC vampire turns a victim into a vampire, the player should mark it down. After turning enough victims, the PC vampire will eventually gain a new vampire experience level. Vampire experience levels are entirely separate from class experience levels. For example, a Level 2 Vampire can simultaneously be a Level 5 Fighter.

When a new vampire experience level is gained, two things happen: first, the vampire receives hit points based on its new level; second, the Referee makes a roll using the metamorphosis tables. The metamorphosis tables determine new traits for the vampire, including new bonuses and weaknesses, blood gifts, permanent bodily and psychological alterations, etcetera.

Keep in mind that the vampire does not receive its Constitution modifier to the hit points it receives from its vampire experience levels.

Vampire Level
Total Vampires Created
Hit Points


Roll d100, divide by 2, and look up at your result on the Metamorphosis table. The vampire undergoes a physical and/or spiritual mutation according to whatever is rolled--forever. Occasionally, you’ll get to roll another type of die, depending on the nature of the metamorphosis that is rolled. If a previously rolled metamorphosis is rolled again, reroll. The Referee is formally encouraged to replace entries that have been rolled already with metamorphoses of their own making.

Absorbing the Lesser Demon

If a vampire drains another vampire of its black blood, the demon of the feeding vampire may absorb the demon of the other, allowing it to gain its power. When this happens, the feeding vampire gains additional metamorphosis traits depending on the level of the other vampire (refer to the leveling chart above). This does not affect the feeding vampire’s level.

This process does not necessarily destroy the other vampire. With no soul or demon to animate it, the vampire’s flesh begins to rapidly rot; the brain turns to mush and the mind collapses; and finally lesser spirits of filth and decay take control of the body. In essence, the vampire whose demon is lost becomes an ordinary and unremarkable undead, much like a zombie.

part 1 here for how one turns into a vampire, feeding rules, & a list of traits common to all vampires
part 2 here for newly rise PC vampires , hunger and advancement
part 3 here for metamorphosis table
part 4 here for blood gifts


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